Добавление RDS хостов в zabbix c использованием boto3 + python3

Добавление RDS хостов в zabbix c использованием boto3 + python3

На работе потребовалось добавлять RDS хосты (с различных учеток AWS) в заббикс. Руками делать, — это конечно нормальное явление, но я люблю оптимизацию и автоматизацию. И для этого готов был написать скрипт. Пал выбор на питон.

Полезное чтиво:

Установка Zabbix + nginx+php-fpm + mariaDB в Unix/Linux

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Автоматическое выключение хостов в zabbix

Автоматическое удаление хостов в zabbix

Открываем файл:

# vim Add_Hosts_from_AWS_RDS_to_Zabbix.py

Он выглядит следующим образом:

#!/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import requests
import sys
import boto3
import glob
import smtplib

from pyzabbix import ZabbixAPI, ZabbixAPIException

class bgcolors:
    def __init__(self):
        self.colors = {
            'HEADER': '\033[95m',
            'OKBLUE': '\033[94m',
            'OKGREEN': '\033[92m',
            'WARNING': '\033[93m',
            'FAIL': '\033[91m',
            'ENDC': '\033[0m',
            'BOLD': '\033[1m',
            'UNDERLINE': '\033[4m'

def get_creds_from_assum_role():
    auth_params = []

    # create an STS client object that represents a live connection to the
    # STS service

    #sts_client = boto3.setup_default_session(region_name='us-east-1')
    sts_client = boto3.client('sts', region_name='us-east-1')
    Assum_Roles = ['arn:aws:iam::93388403184:role/CW-RDS-READ-ONLY'
        , 'arn:aws:iam::4131648289989:role/CLOUDWATCH-READONLY-ACCESS-CMSHARED'
        , 'arn:aws:iam::067785372661:role/CLOUDWATCH-READONLY-ACCESS-DEV'
        , 'arn:aws:iam::66803035257:role/CLOUDWATCH-READONLY-ACCESS-CMSHARED'
        , 'arn:aws:iam::505163668321:role/CLOUDWATCH-READONLY-ACCESS-ZABBIX'
        , 'arn:aws:iam::378494444851:role/CLOUDWATCH-READONLY-ACCESS-ZABBIX']

    # Call the assume_role method of the STSConnection object and pass the role
    # ARN and a role session name.

    for Assum_Role in Assum_Roles:
        assumedRoleObject = sts_client.assume_role(

        # From the response that contains the assumed role, get the temporary
        # credentials that can be used to make subsequent API calls

        credentials = assumedRoleObject['Credentials']
        auth_param = {
            'access_key': credentials['AccessKeyId'],
            'secret_key': credentials['SecretAccessKey'],
            'session_token': credentials['SessionToken']
    # print(auth_params)
    return auth_params

def get_rds_hosts_from_assum_role():
    hosts_from_rds = []
    # RDS
    Creds_Data = get_creds_from_assum_role()
    for get_greds_from_acc in Creds_Data:
        access_key = get_greds_from_acc['access_key']
        secret_key = get_greds_from_acc['secret_key']
        session_token = get_greds_from_acc['session_token']
        rds_client = boto3.setup_default_session(region_name='us-east-1'
                                                 , aws_access_key_id=access_key
                                                 , aws_secret_access_key=secret_key
                                                 , aws_session_token=session_token)
        rds_client = boto3.client('rds'
                              , region_name='us-east-1'
                              , aws_access_key_id=access_key
                              , aws_secret_access_key=secret_key
                              , aws_session_token=session_token)
            # get all of the db instances
            rdses = rds_client.describe_db_instances()
            for rds in rdses['DBInstances']:
        except Exception as error:
            print (error)
    # print(hosts_from_rds)
    return hosts_from_rds  # def get_elasticache_hosts_from_assum_role():

def login_to_zabbix():
    # host, login, password to connect to DEV zabbix-server
    Zabbix_Host = 'https://zabbix.com/'
    Zabbix_User = 'apiuser'
    Zabbix_Password = 'gkjhjhvjh5uigkjhg'
    # You can use the Connection_Timeout
    Connection_Timeout = 25
    # Verify SSL
    Verify_SSL = False
    # Connect to zabbix-server
    zapi = ZabbixAPI(Zabbix_Host, timeout=Connection_Timeout)
    zapi.session.verify = Verify_SSL
    if not Verify_SSL:
        from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
    r = requests.get(Zabbix_Host, verify=Verify_SSL)
    zapi.login(Zabbix_User, Zabbix_Password)
    zapi.session.auth = (Zabbix_User, Zabbix_Password)
    # You can re-define Connection_Timeout after
    zapi.timeout = Connection_Timeout
    return zapi

def add_group_to_zabbix(group):
    zapi = login_to_zabbix()
    return add_group_to_zabbix

def add_host_to_zabbix(host, group, template, port=666):
    zapi = login_to_zabbix()
    Get_Templates = zapi.template.get(search={"name": template})
    for template in Get_Templates:
        # print(template['templateid'])
        templateid = template['templateid']
    Get_Groups = zapi.hostgroup.get(search={"name": group})
    for group in Get_Groups:
        if len(host) > 64:
            print ('Host is more than 64 characters: ', host)
            sender = 'captain@localhost'
            receivers = 'vitalii_natarov@epam.com'
            message = ('Host is more than 64 characters: %s' % host)
            smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')
            smtpObj.sendmail(sender, receivers, message)
            zapi.host.create({"host": host,
                              "interfaces": [{
                                "type": 1,
                                "main": 1,
                                "useip": 0,
                                "ip": "",
                                "dns": host,
                                "port": port,
                              "groups": [{
                                "groupid": group['groupid'],
                              "templates": [{
                                "templateid": templateid,
    return add_host_to_zabbix

def add_template_to_zabbix():
    zapi = login_to_zabbix()
    rules = {
        'applications': {
            'createMissing': 'true',
            'updateExisting': 'true'
        'discoveryRules': {
            'createMissing': 'true',
            'updateExisting': 'true'
        'graphs': {
            'createMissing': 'true',
            'updateExisting': 'true'
        'groups': {
            'createMissing': 'true'
        'hosts': {
            'createMissing': 'true',
            'updateExisting': 'true'
        'images': {
            'createMissing': 'true',
            'updateExisting': 'true'
        'items': {
            'createMissing': 'true',
            'updateExisting': 'true'
        'maps': {
            'createMissing': 'true',
            'updateExisting': 'true'
        'screens': {
            'createMissing': 'true',
            'updateExisting': 'true'
        'templateLinkage': {
            'createMissing': 'true',
            'updateExisting': 'true'
        'templates': {
            'createMissing': 'true',
            'updateExisting': 'true'
        'templateScreens': {
            'createMissing': 'true',
            'updateExisting': 'true'
        'triggers': {
            'createMissing': 'true',
            'updateExisting': 'true'
    path = 'Zabbix_Templates/Template_AWS_RDS.xml'
    files = glob.glob(path)
    for file in files:
        with open(file, 'r') as f:
            template = f.read()
                zapi.confimport('xml', template, rules)
            except ZabbixAPIException as e:
    return add_template_to_zabbix

def main():
    zapi = login_to_zabbix()
    Zabbix_Version = zapi.do_request('apiinfo.version')
    print(bgcolors().colors['OKGREEN'],"============================================================", bgcolors().colors['ENDC'])
    print(bgcolors().colors['OKGREEN'],'Zabbix Version:', Zabbix_Version['result'] + bgcolors().colors['ENDC'])
    print(bgcolors().colors['OKGREEN'],"============================================================", bgcolors().colors['ENDC'])
    # find needed group, template, host
    Needed_groups = ['AWS RDS']
    Needed_IPs = get_rds_hosts_from_assum_role()
    Needed_Templates = ['Template_AWS_RDS']
    Get_Templates = zapi.template.get(search={"name": Needed_Templates})
    for template in Get_Templates:
        Needed_Template = template['name']
    for Needed_group in Needed_groups:
        Get_Groups = zapi.hostgroup.get(search={"name": Needed_group})
        if (len(Get_Groups)) is not 0:
            # check host in provided group
            for Needed_IP in Needed_IPs:
                Get_Hosts = zapi.host.get(search={"name": Needed_IP})
                if (len(Get_Hosts)) is 0:
                    #for h in Get_Hosts:
                     add_host_to_zabbix(Needed_IP, Needed_group, Needed_Template)
                     print('Added ', Needed_IP, 'host to zabbix')
                    print ('The', Needed_IP, 'already exist')
            print ('Added the', Needed_group, 'group to zabbix')
            # find needed template
            for Needed_Template in Needed_Templates:
                Get_Templates = zapi.hostgroup.get(filter={"name": Needed_Templates})
                if (len(Get_Templates)) is 0:
                    print('Added', Needed_Template, 'template to zabbix')
            for Needed_IP in Needed_IPs:
                Get_Hosts = zapi.host.get(filter={"name": Needed_IP}, output=['hostid', 'host', 'name', 'status'])
                if (len(Get_Hosts)) is 0:
                    add_host_to_zabbix(Needed_IP, Needed_group, Needed_Template)
                    print('Added ', Needed_IP, 'host to zabbix')
    print(bgcolors().colors['OKGREEN'], "============================================================", bgcolors().colors['ENDC'])
    print(bgcolors().colors['OKGREEN'], "==========================FINISHED==========================", bgcolors().colors['ENDC'])
    print(bgcolors().colors['OKGREEN'], "============================================================", bgcolors().colors['ENDC'])

if __name__ == '__main__':

В теле скрипта нужно изменить некоторые переменные. Я не буду рассказывать что нужно менять, думаю и так очевидно, если нет — то можете написать в комментариях и я помогу с этим.

Создаем темплейт:

# mkdir Zabbix_Templates

Открываем файл:

# vim Zabbix_Templates/Template_AWS_RDS.xml

И вставляем в него:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <name>AWS RDS</name>
            <description>AWS RDS monitoring</description>
                    <name>AWS RDS</name>
                    <description>The amount of disk space occupied by binary logs on the master. Applies to MySQL read replicas.</description>
                    <description>The percentage of CPU utilization.</description>
                    <description>The number of database connections in use.</description>
                    <description>The number of outstanding IOs (read/write requests) waiting to access the disk.</description>
                    <description>The amount of available random access memory.</description>
                    <description>The amount of available storage space.</description>
                    <description>The incoming (Receive) network traffic on the DB instance, including both customer database traffic and Amazon RDS traffic used for monitoring and replication.</description>
                    <description>The outgoing (Transmit) network traffic on the DB instance, including both customer database traffic and Amazon RDS traffic used for monitoring and replication.</description>
                    <description>The average number of disk I/O operations per second.</description>
                    <description>The average amount of time taken per disk I/O operation.</description>
                    <description>The average number of bytes read from disk per second.</description>
                    <description>The amount of time a Read Replica DB Instance lags behind the source DB Instance. Applies to MySQL read replicas.&#13;
The ReplicaLag metric reports the value of the Seconds_Behind_Master field of the MySQL SHOW SLAVE STATUS command.</description>
                    <description>The amount of swap space used on the DB Instance.</description>
                    <description>The average number of disk I/O operations per second.</description>
                    <description>The average amount of time taken per disk I/O operation.</description>
                    <description>The average number of bytes written to disk per second.</description>
                                <name>RDS::DB Connections</name>
                                <name>RDS::Storage Stats</name>
                                <name>RDS::System Stats</name>
                                <name>RDS::Network Stats</name>
                                <name>RDS::IO Stats</name>
            <expression>{Template_AWS_RDS:RDS.CPUUtilization.Average.min(#3)}&gt;{$TH_P4_CPU_USAGE} and {Template_AWS_RDS:RDS.CPUUtilization.Average.max(#3)}&lt;{$TH_P3_CPU_USAGE}</expression>
            <name>RDS::High CPU Usage (LV={ITEM.VALUE})</name>
            <name>RDS::High CPU Usage (LV={ITEM.VALUE})</name>
            <expression>{Template_AWS_RDS:RDS.ReadLatency.Average.last()}&gt;{$TH_P3_LATENCY} and {Template_AWS_RDS:RDS.ReadLatency.Average.last()}&lt;{$TH_P2_LATENCY}</expression>
            <name>RDS::High Read Latency (LV={ITEM.VALUE})</name>
            <name>RDS::High Read Latency (LV={ITEM.VALUE})</name>
            <name>RDS::High Write Latency (LV={ITEM.VALUE})</name>
            <expression>{Template_AWS_RDS:RDS.WriteLatency.Average.last()}&gt;{$TH_P3_LATENCY} and {Template_AWS_RDS:RDS.WriteLatency.Average.last()}&lt;{$TH_P2_LATENCY}</expression>
            <name>RDS::High Write Latency (LV={ITEM.VALUE})</name>
            <expression>{Template_AWS_RDS:RDS.FreeStorageSpace.Minimum.last()}&lt;{$TH_P3_FREE_STORAGE} and {Template_AWS_RDS:RDS.FreeStorageSpace.Minimum.last()}&gt;{$TH_P2_FREE_STORAGE}</expression>
            <name>RDS::Low free storage space (LV={ITEM.VALUE})</name>
            <name>RDS::Low free storage space (LV={ITEM.VALUE})</name>
            <name>RDS::DB Connections</name>
            <name>RDS::IO Stats</name>
            <name>RDS::Network Stats</name>
            <name>RDS::Storage Stats</name>
            <name>RDS::System Stats</name>

Запускаем скрипт:

# python3 Add_Hosts_from_AWS_RDS_to_Zabbix.py

PS: Не забываем ставить зависимости через pip3.

Вот и все, статья «Добавление RDS хостов в zabbix c использованием boto3 + python3» завершена.

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