Вывод всей статистики MySQL/MariaDB с mysqlreport

Вывод всей статистики MySQL/MariaDB с mysqlreport

Для вывода статистики, в большинстве случаев используется «SHOW STATUS», который выводит информацию не упорядочено:

# mysql -e "show status;"
| Variable_name                                 | Value        |
| Aborted_clients                               | 30           |
| Aborted_connects                              | 50           |
| Access_denied_errors                          | 0            |
| Aria_pagecache_blocks_not_flushed             | 0            |
| Aria_pagecache_blocks_unused                  | 15736        |
| Aria_pagecache_blocks_used                    | 10           |
| Aria_pagecache_read_requests                  | 1021039      |
| Aria_pagecache_reads                          | 43578        |
| Aria_pagecache_write_requests                 | 77063        |
| Aria_pagecache_writes                         | 0            |
| Aria_transaction_log_syncs                    | 0            |
| Binlog_commits                                | 0            |
| Binlog_group_commits                          | 0            |
| Binlog_group_commit_trigger_count             | 0            |
| Binlog_group_commit_trigger_lock_wait         | 0            |
| Binlog_group_commit_trigger_timeout           | 0            |
| Binlog_snapshot_file                          |              |
| Binlog_snapshot_position                      | 0            |
| Binlog_bytes_written                          | 0            |
| Binlog_cache_disk_use                         | 0            |
| Binlog_cache_use                              | 0            |
| Binlog_stmt_cache_disk_use                    | 0            |
| Binlog_stmt_cache_use                         | 0            |
| Busy_time                                     | 0.000000     |
| Bytes_received                                | 241          |
| Bytes_sent                                    | 189          |
| Com_admin_commands                            | 0            |
| Com_alter_db                                  | 0            |
| Com_alter_db_upgrade                          | 0            |
| Com_alter_event                               | 0            |
| Com_alter_function                            | 0            |
| Com_alter_procedure                           | 0            |
| Com_alter_server                              | 0            |
| Com_alter_table                               | 0            |
| Com_alter_tablespace                          | 0            |
| Com_analyze                                   | 0            |
| Com_assign_to_keycache                        | 0            |
| Com_begin                                     | 0            |
| Com_binlog                                    | 0            |
| Com_call_procedure                            | 0            |
| Com_change_db                                 | 0            |
| Com_change_master                             | 0            |
| Com_check                                     | 0            |
| Com_checksum                                  | 0            |
| Com_commit                                    | 0            |
| Com_create_db                                 | 0            |
| Com_create_event                              | 0            |
| Com_create_function                           | 0            |
| Com_create_index                              | 0            |
| Com_create_procedure                          | 0            |
| Com_create_role                               | 0            |
| Com_create_server                             | 0            |
| Com_create_table                              | 0            |
| Com_create_trigger                            | 0            |
| Com_create_udf                                | 0            |
| Com_create_user                               | 0            |
| Com_create_view                               | 0            |
| Com_dealloc_sql                               | 0            |
| Com_delete                                    | 0            |
| Com_delete_multi                              | 0            |
| Com_do                                        | 0            |
| Com_drop_db                                   | 0            |
| Com_drop_event                                | 0            |
| Com_drop_function                             | 0            |
| Com_drop_index                                | 0            |
| Com_drop_procedure                            | 0            |
| Com_drop_role                                 | 0            |
| Com_drop_server                               | 0            |
| Com_drop_table                                | 0            |
| Com_drop_trigger                              | 0            |
| Com_drop_user                                 | 0            |
| Com_drop_view                                 | 0            |
| Com_empty_query                               | 0            |
| Com_execute_sql                               | 0            |
| Com_flush                                     | 0            |
| Com_get_diagnostics                           | 0            |
| Com_grant                                     | 0            |
| Com_grant_role                                | 0            |
| Com_ha_close                                  | 0            |
| Com_ha_open                                   | 0            |
| Com_ha_read                                   | 0            |
| Com_help                                      | 0            |
| Com_insert                                    | 0            |
| Com_insert_select                             | 0            |
| Com_install_plugin                            | 0            |
| Com_kill                                      | 0            |
| Com_load                                      | 0            |
| Com_lock_tables                               | 0            |
| Com_optimize                                  | 0            |
| Com_preload_keys                              | 0            |
| Com_prepare_sql                               | 0            |
| Com_purge                                     | 0            |
| Com_purge_before_date                         | 0            |
| Com_release_savepoint                         | 0            |
| Com_rename_table                              | 0            |
| Com_rename_user                               | 0            |
| Com_repair                                    | 0            |
| Com_replace                                   | 0            |
| Com_replace_select                            | 0            |
| Com_reset                                     | 0            |
| Com_resignal                                  | 0            |
| Com_revoke                                    | 0            |
| Com_revoke_all                                | 0            |
| Com_revoke_role                               | 0            |
| Com_rollback                                  | 0            |
| Com_rollback_to_savepoint                     | 0            |
| Com_savepoint                                 | 0            |
| Com_select                                    | 1            |
| Com_set_option                                | 0            |
| Com_show_authors                              | 0            |
| Com_show_binlog_events                        | 0            |
| Com_show_binlogs                              | 0            |
| Com_show_charsets                             | 0            |
| Com_show_client_statistics                    | 0            |
| Com_show_collations                           | 0            |
| Com_show_contributors                         | 0            |
| Com_show_create_db                            | 0            |
| Com_show_create_event                         | 0            |
| Com_show_create_func                          | 0            |
| Com_show_create_proc                          | 0            |
| Com_show_create_table                         | 0            |
| Com_show_create_trigger                       | 0            |
| Com_show_databases                            | 0            |
| Com_show_engine_logs                          | 0            |
| Com_show_engine_mutex                         | 0            |
| Com_show_engine_status                        | 0            |
| Com_show_errors                               | 0            |
| Com_show_events                               | 0            |
| Com_show_explain                              | 0            |
| Com_show_fields                               | 0            |
| Com_show_function_status                      | 0            |
| Com_show_grants                               | 0            |
| Com_show_index_statistics                     | 0            |
| Com_show_keys                                 | 0            |
| Com_show_master_status                        | 0            |
| Com_show_open_tables                          | 0            |
| Com_show_plugins                              | 0            |
| Com_show_privileges                           | 0            |
| Com_show_procedure_status                     | 0            |
| Com_show_processlist                          | 0            |
| Com_show_profile                              | 0            |
| Com_show_profiles                             | 0            |
| Com_show_relaylog_events                      | 0            |
| Com_show_slave_hosts                          | 0            |
| Com_show_slave_status                         | 0            |
| Com_show_status                               | 1            |
| Com_show_storage_engines                      | 0            |
| Com_show_table_statistics                     | 0            |
| Com_show_table_status                         | 0            |
| Com_show_tables                               | 0            |
| Com_show_triggers                             | 0            |
| Com_show_user_statistics                      | 0            |
| Com_show_variables                            | 0            |
| Com_show_warnings                             | 0            |
| Com_shutdown                                  | 0            |
| Com_signal                                    | 0            |
| Com_start_all_slaves                          | 0            |
| Com_start_slave                               | 0            |
| Com_stmt_close                                | 0            |
| Com_stmt_execute                              | 0            |
| Com_stmt_fetch                                | 0            |
| Com_stmt_prepare                              | 0            |
| Com_stmt_reprepare                            | 0            |
| Com_stmt_reset                                | 0            |
| Com_stmt_send_long_data                       | 0            |
| Com_stop_all_slaves                           | 0            |
| Com_stop_slave                                | 0            |
| Com_truncate                                  | 0            |
| Com_uninstall_plugin                          | 0            |
| Com_unlock_tables                             | 0            |
| Com_update                                    | 0            |
| Com_update_multi                              | 0            |
| Com_xa_commit                                 | 0            |
| Com_xa_end                                    | 0            |
| Com_xa_prepare                                | 0            |
| Com_xa_recover                                | 0            |
| Com_xa_rollback                               | 0            |
| Com_xa_start                                  | 0            |
| Compression                                   | OFF          |
| Connection_errors_accept                      | 0            |
| Connection_errors_internal                    | 0            |
| Connection_errors_max_connections             | 0            |
| Connection_errors_peer_address                | 0            |
| Connection_errors_select                      | 0            |
| Connection_errors_tcpwrap                     | 0            |
| Connections                                   | 204726       |
| Cpu_time                                      | 0.000000     |
| Created_tmp_disk_tables                       | 0            |
| Created_tmp_files                             | 102          |
| Created_tmp_tables                            | 0            |
| Delayed_errors                                | 0            |
| Delayed_insert_threads                        | 0            |
| Delayed_writes                                | 0            |
| Delete_scan                                   | 0            |
| Empty_queries                                 | 0            |
| Executed_events                               | 0            |
| Executed_triggers                             | 0            |
| Feature_delay_key_write                       | 0            |
| Feature_dynamic_columns                       | 0            |
| Feature_fulltext                              | 0            |
| Feature_gis                                   | 0            |
| Feature_locale                                | 0            |
| Feature_subquery                              | 0            |
| Feature_timezone                              | 0            |
| Feature_trigger                               | 0            |
| Feature_xml                                   | 0            |
| Flush_commands                                | 1            |
| Handler_commit                                | 0            |
| Handler_delete                                | 0            |
| Handler_discover                              | 0            |
| Handler_external_lock                         | 0            |
| Handler_icp_attempts                          | 0            |
| Handler_icp_match                             | 0            |
| Handler_mrr_init                              | 0            |
| Handler_mrr_key_refills                       | 0            |
| Handler_mrr_rowid_refills                     | 0            |
| Handler_prepare                               | 0            |
| Handler_read_first                            | 0            |
| Handler_read_key                              | 0            |
| Handler_read_last                             | 0            |
| Handler_read_next                             | 0            |
| Handler_read_prev                             | 0            |
| Handler_read_retry                            | 0            |
| Handler_read_rnd                              | 0            |
| Handler_read_rnd_deleted                      | 0            |
| Handler_read_rnd_next                         | 0            |
| Handler_rollback                              | 0            |
| Handler_savepoint                             | 0            |
| Handler_savepoint_rollback                    | 0            |
| Handler_tmp_update                            | 0            |
| Handler_tmp_write                             | 0            |
| Handler_update                                | 0            |
| Handler_write                                 | 0            |
| Innodb_available_undo_logs                    | 128          |
| Innodb_background_log_sync                    | 1296766      |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_bytes_data                 | 239648768    |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_bytes_dirty                | 0            |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_dump_status                | not started  |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_load_status                | not started  |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data                 | 14627        |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty                | 0            |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushed              | 8495923      |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free                 | 18019        |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_lru_flushed          | 0            |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_made_not_young       | 273052       |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_made_young           | 79822        |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_misc                 | 121          |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_old                  | 5379         |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total                | 32767        |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead                 | 1184         |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_evicted         | 0            |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_rnd             | 0            |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests              | 1131269871   |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_reads                      | 7585         |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free                  | 0            |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_write_requests             | 26653730     |
| Innodb_checkpoint_age                         | 0            |
| Innodb_checkpoint_max_age                     | 848635454    |
| Innodb_data_fsyncs                            | 5185300      |
| Innodb_data_pending_fsyncs                    | 0            |
| Innodb_data_pending_reads                     | 0            |
| Innodb_data_pending_writes                    | 0            |
| Innodb_data_read                              | 144036352    |
| Innodb_data_reads                             | 9375         |
| Innodb_data_writes                            | 13226379     |
| Innodb_data_written                           | 283184155648 |
| Innodb_dblwr_pages_written                    | 8495923      |
| Innodb_dblwr_writes                           | 157564       |
| Innodb_deadlocks                              | 0            |
| Innodb_have_atomic_builtins                   | ON           |
| Innodb_history_list_length                    | 2685         |
| Innodb_ibuf_discarded_delete_marks            | 0            |
| Innodb_ibuf_discarded_deletes                 | 0            |
| Innodb_ibuf_discarded_inserts                 | 0            |
| Innodb_ibuf_free_list                         | 44           |
| Innodb_ibuf_merged_delete_marks               | 6756         |
| Innodb_ibuf_merged_deletes                    | 317          |
| Innodb_ibuf_merged_inserts                    | 18           |
| Innodb_ibuf_merges                            | 29           |
| Innodb_ibuf_segment_size                      | 46           |
| Innodb_ibuf_size                              | 1            |
| Innodb_log_waits                              | 0            |
| Innodb_log_write_requests                     | 5144228      |
| Innodb_log_writes                             | 4412362      |
| Innodb_lsn_current                            | 175976024925 |
| Innodb_lsn_flushed                            | 175976024925 |
| Innodb_lsn_last_checkpoint                    | 175976024925 |
| Innodb_master_thread_active_loops             | 178852       |
| Innodb_master_thread_idle_loops               | 1117914      |
| Innodb_max_trx_id                             | 787089773    |
| Innodb_mem_adaptive_hash                      | 10837712     |
| Innodb_mem_dictionary                         | 6806801      |
| Innodb_mem_total                              | 558891008    |
| Innodb_mutex_os_waits                         | 2011856      |
| Innodb_mutex_spin_rounds                      | 61417274     |
| Innodb_mutex_spin_waits                       | 2203579      |
| Innodb_oldest_view_low_limit_trx_id           | 0            |
| Innodb_os_log_fsyncs                          | 4518569      |
| Innodb_os_log_pending_fsyncs                  | 0            |
| Innodb_os_log_pending_writes                  | 0            |
| Innodb_os_log_written                         | 4735533056   |
| Innodb_page_size                              | 16384        |
| Innodb_pages_created                          | 10262        |
| Innodb_pages_read                             | 8786         |
| Innodb_pages_written                          | 8495923      |
| Innodb_purge_trx_id                           | 787089763    |
| Innodb_purge_undo_no                          | 0            |
| Innodb_read_views_memory                      | 744          |
| Innodb_row_lock_current_waits                 | 0            |
| Innodb_row_lock_time                          | 30954        |
| Innodb_row_lock_time_avg                      | 10           |
| Innodb_row_lock_time_max                      | 1921         |
| Innodb_row_lock_waits                         | 3064         |
| Innodb_rows_deleted                           | 266338       |
| Innodb_rows_inserted                          | 532176       |
| Innodb_rows_read                              | 612817648    |
| Innodb_rows_updated                           | 3996387      |
| Innodb_system_rows_deleted                    | 0            |
| Innodb_system_rows_inserted                   | 0            |
| Innodb_system_rows_read                       | 36           |
| Innodb_system_rows_updated                    | 0            |
| Innodb_s_lock_os_waits                        | 135117       |
| Innodb_s_lock_spin_rounds                     | 4291137      |
| Innodb_s_lock_spin_waits                      | 146004       |
| Innodb_truncated_status_writes                | 0            |
| Innodb_x_lock_os_waits                        | 37045        |
| Innodb_x_lock_spin_rounds                     | 1147968      |
| Innodb_x_lock_spin_waits                      | 30941        |
| Key_blocks_not_flushed                        | 0            |
| Key_blocks_unused                             | 26525        |
| Key_blocks_used                               | 330          |
| Key_blocks_warm                               | 12           |
| Key_read_requests                             | 4999670      |
| Key_reads                                     | 4791         |
| Key_write_requests                            | 46561        |
| Key_writes                                    | 20469        |
| Last_query_cost                               | 0.000000     |
| Max_used_connections                          | 42           |
| Memory_used                                   | 30048        |
| Not_flushed_delayed_rows                      | 0            |
| Open_files                                    | 26           |
| Open_streams                                  | 0            |
| Open_table_definitions                        | 604          |
| Open_tables                                   | 127          |
| Opened_files                                  | 2172286      |
| Opened_plugin_libraries                       | 0            |
| Opened_table_definitions                      | 0            |
| Opened_tables                                 | 0            |
| Opened_views                                  | 0            |
| Performance_schema_accounts_lost              | 0            |
| Performance_schema_cond_classes_lost          | 0            |
| Performance_schema_cond_instances_lost        | 0            |
| Performance_schema_digest_lost                | 0            |
| Performance_schema_file_classes_lost          | 0            |
| Performance_schema_file_handles_lost          | 0            |
| Performance_schema_file_instances_lost        | 0            |
| Performance_schema_hosts_lost                 | 0            |
| Performance_schema_locker_lost                | 0            |
| Performance_schema_mutex_classes_lost         | 0            |
| Performance_schema_mutex_instances_lost       | 0            |
| Performance_schema_rwlock_classes_lost        | 0            |
| Performance_schema_rwlock_instances_lost      | 0            |
| Performance_schema_session_connect_attrs_lost | 0            |
| Performance_schema_socket_classes_lost        | 0            |
| Performance_schema_socket_instances_lost      | 0            |
| Performance_schema_stage_classes_lost         | 0            |
| Performance_schema_statement_classes_lost     | 0            |
| Performance_schema_table_handles_lost         | 0            |
| Performance_schema_table_instances_lost       | 0            |
| Performance_schema_thread_classes_lost        | 0            |
| Performance_schema_thread_instances_lost      | 0            |
| Performance_schema_users_lost                 | 0            |
| Prepared_stmt_count                           | 0            |
| Qcache_free_blocks                            | 2278         |
| Qcache_free_memory                            | 24001944     |
| Qcache_hits                                   | 5903679      |
| Qcache_inserts                                | 8936020      |
| Qcache_lowmem_prunes                          | 577828       |
| Qcache_not_cached                             | 443508       |
| Qcache_queries_in_cache                       | 4889         |
| Qcache_total_blocks                           | 12410        |
| Queries                                       | 21827885     |
| Questions                                     | 2            |
| Rows_read                                     | 0            |
| Rows_sent                                     | 1            |
| Rows_tmp_read                                 | 0            |
| Rpl_status                                    | AUTH_MASTER  |
| Select_full_join                              | 0            |
| Select_full_range_join                        | 0            |
| Select_range                                  | 0            |
| Select_range_check                            | 0            |
| Select_scan                                   | 0            |
| Slave_connections                             | 0            |
| Slave_heartbeat_period                        | 0.000        |
| Slave_open_temp_tables                        | 0            |
| Slave_received_heartbeats                     | 0            |
| Slave_retried_transactions                    | 0            |
| Slave_running                                 | OFF          |
| Slaves_connected                              | 0            |
| Slaves_running                                | 0            |
| Slow_launch_threads                           | 0            |
| Slow_queries                                  | 0            |
| Sort_merge_passes                             | 0            |
| Sort_priority_queue_sorts                     | 0            |
| Sort_range                                    | 0            |
| Sort_rows                                     | 0            |
| Sort_scan                                     | 0            |
| Ssl_accept_renegotiates                       | 0            |
| Ssl_accepts                                   | 0            |
| Ssl_callback_cache_hits                       | 0            |
| Ssl_cipher                                    |              |
| Ssl_cipher_list                               |              |
| Ssl_client_connects                           | 0            |
| Ssl_connect_renegotiates                      | 0            |
| Ssl_ctx_verify_depth                          | 0            |
| Ssl_ctx_verify_mode                           | 0            |
| Ssl_default_timeout                           | 0            |
| Ssl_finished_accepts                          | 0            |
| Ssl_finished_connects                         | 0            |
| Ssl_server_not_after                          |              |
| Ssl_server_not_before                         |              |
| Ssl_session_cache_hits                        | 0            |
| Ssl_session_cache_misses                      | 0            |
| Ssl_session_cache_mode                        | NONE         |
| Ssl_session_cache_overflows                   | 0            |
| Ssl_session_cache_size                        | 0            |
| Ssl_session_cache_timeouts                    | 0            |
| Ssl_sessions_reused                           | 0            |
| Ssl_used_session_cache_entries                | 0            |
| Ssl_verify_depth                              | 0            |
| Ssl_verify_mode                               | 0            |
| Ssl_version                                   |              |
| Subquery_cache_hit                            | 0            |
| Subquery_cache_miss                           | 13           |
| Syncs                                         | 525          |
| Table_locks_immediate                         | 13739200     |
| Table_locks_waited                            | 1            |
| Tc_log_max_pages_used                         | 0            |
| Tc_log_page_size                              | 0            |
| Tc_log_page_waits                             | 0            |
| Threadpool_idle_threads                       | 0            |
| Threadpool_threads                            | 0            |
| Threads_cached                                | 3            |
| Threads_connected                             | 1            |
| Threads_created                               | 1103         |
| Threads_running                               | 1            |
| Update_scan                                   | 0            |
| Uptime                                        | 1299621      |
| Uptime_since_flush_status                     | 1299621      |

Ее плохо читать. Чтобы это все было читабельно — можно воспользоваться утилитой mysqlreport.

Установка mysqlreport в Unix/Linux

Можно использовать данную утилиту на различный Unix/Linux ОС.

Если используете rpm’s ОС ( CentOS/Fedora/RedHat), то команда для установки ниже:

# yum install mysqlreport -y

так же, стоит установить библиотеку:

# yum install perl-DBD-mysql -y

Если используете deb’s ОС ( Debian/Ubuntu/Kali Linux/Mint), то команда для установки ниже:

# apt-get install mysqlreport -y

так же, стоит установить библиотеку:

# apt-get install libdbd-mysql-perl -y

Если используете MacOS X, то команда для установки ниже:

# brew install mysqlreport

PS: Для начала нужно установить BREW:

Установка Homebrew на Mac OS X

Для остальных Unix/Linux систем я не ставил ( не было нужды), но можно сделать клонирование и потом использовать:

# cd /usr/local/src && git clone https://github.com/daniel-nichter/hackmysql.com.git

На этом, установка закончена.

Использование mysqlreport в Unix/Linux

Для помощи, служит опция —help:

┌(captain-notes)─(✗)─(06:32 PM Sat Dec 24)
└─(/usr/local/src)─(0 files, 8.0Kb)─> mysqlreport --help
mysqlreport v3.5 Apr 16 2008
mysqlreport makes an easy-to-read report of important MySQL status values.

Command line options (abbreviations work):
   --user USER       Connect to MySQL as USER
   --password PASS   Use PASS or prompt for MySQL user's password
   --host ADDRESS    Connect to MySQL at ADDRESS
   --port PORT       Connect to MySQL at PORT
   --socket SOCKET   Connect to MySQL at SOCKET
   --no-mycnf        Don't read ~/.my.cnf
   --infile FILE     Read status values from FILE instead of MySQL
   --outfile FILE    Write report to FILE
   --email ADDRESS   Email report to ADDRESS (doesn't work on Windows)
   --flush-status    Issue FLUSH STATUS; after getting current values
   --relative X      Generate relative reports. If X is an integer,
                     reports are live from the MySQL server X seconds apart.
                     If X is a list of infiles (file1 file2 etc.),
                     reports are generated from the infiles in the order
                     that they are given.
   --report-count N  Collect N number of live relative reports (default 1)
   --detach          Fork and detach from terminal (run in background)
   --help            Prints this
   --debug           Print debugging information

Visit http://hackmysql.com/mysqlreport for more information.

┌(captain-notes)─(✓)─(06:32 PM Sat Dec 24)
└─(/usr/local/src)─(0 files, 8.0Kb)─> 

И так, рассмотрю несколько примеров:

# mysqlreport --user root --password

Или как у меня:

┌(captain-notes)─(✗)─(06:39 PM Sat Dec 24)
└─(/usr/local/src)─(0 files, 8.0Kb)─> mysqlreport --user root --host localhost --port 3306 --socket /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock --password
Password for database user root: 
Use of uninitialized value in formline at /usr/bin/mysqlreport line 1099, <STDIN> line 1.
Use of uninitialized value $is in multiplication (*) at /usr/bin/mysqlreport line 829, <STDIN> line 1.
Use of uninitialized value in formline at /usr/bin/mysqlreport line 1227, <STDIN> line 1.
Use of uninitialized value in formline at /usr/bin/mysqlreport line 1235, <STDIN> line 1.
MySQL 10.0.28-MariaDB    uptime 15 1:3:50       Sat Dec 24 18:40:05 2016

__ Key _________________________________________________________________
Buffer used   330.00k of  32.00M  %Used:   1.01
  Current       6.10M            %Usage:  19.05
Write hit      56.03%
Read hit       99.90%

__ Questions ___________________________________________________________
Total          21.53M    16.6/s
  DMS          19.71M    15.2/s  %Total:  91.53
  -Unknown      6.32M     4.9/s           29.37
  QC Hits       5.91M     4.5/s           27.42
  Com_          2.04M     1.6/s            9.47
  COM_QUIT    204.75k     0.2/s            0.95
Slow 10 s           0       0/s            0.00  %DMS:   0.00  Log:
DMS            19.71M    15.2/s           91.53
  SELECT       15.28M    11.8/s           70.97         77.54
  UPDATE        3.83M     2.9/s           17.76         19.41
  INSERT      547.41k     0.4/s            2.54          2.78
  DELETE       54.49k     0.0/s            0.25          0.28
  REPLACE          27     0.0/s            0.00          0.00
Com_            2.04M     1.6/s            9.47
  set_option  629.58k     0.5/s            2.92
  show_fields 478.18k     0.4/s            2.22
  change_db   206.52k     0.2/s            0.96

__ SELECT and Sort _____________________________________________________
Scan            4.28M     3.3/s %SELECT:  28.03
Range         144.47k     0.1/s            0.95
Full join         185     0.0/s            0.00
Range check         0       0/s            0.00
Full rng join       0       0/s            0.00
Sort scan     104.93k     0.1/s
Sort range    194.17k     0.1/s
Sort mrg pass       0       0/s

__ Query Cache _________________________________________________________
Memory usage    9.15M of  32.00M  %Used:  28.58
Block Fragmnt  18.59%
Hits            5.91M     4.5/s
Inserts         8.94M     6.9/s
Insrt:Prune   15.47:1     6.4/s
Hit:Insert     0.66:1

__ Table Locks _________________________________________________________
Waited              1     0.0/s  %Total:   0.00
Immediate      13.74M    10.6/s

__ Tables ______________________________________________________________
Open              127 of  128    %Cache:  99.22
Opened         32.26k     0.0/s

__ Connections _________________________________________________________
Max used           42 of   80      %Max:  52.50
Total         204.77k     0.2/s

__ Created Temp ________________________________________________________
Disk table    541.63k     0.4/s
Table         674.13k     0.5/s    Size: 512.0M
File              102     0.0/s

__ Threads _____________________________________________________________
Running             1 of    1
Cached              3 of    4      %Hit:  99.46
Created         1.10k     0.0/s
Slow                0       0/s

__ Aborted _____________________________________________________________
Clients            30     0.0/s
Connects           51     0.0/s

__ Bytes _______________________________________________________________
Sent          437.02G  336.2k/s
Received        7.77G    6.0k/s

__ InnoDB Buffer Pool __________________________________________________
Usage         230.61M of 511.98M  %Used:  45.04
Read hit      100.00%
  Free         18.01k            %Total:  54.96
  Data         14.64k                     44.67 %Drty:   0.29
  Misc            121                      0.37
  Latched                                  0.00
Reads           1.13G   870.6/s
  From file     7.58k     0.0/s            0.00
  Ahead Rnd         0       0/s
  Ahead Sql                 0/s
Writes         26.66M    20.5/s
Flushes         8.50M     6.5/s
Wait Free           0       0/s

__ InnoDB Lock _________________________________________________________
Waits            3064     0.0/s
Current             0
Time acquiring
  Total         30954 ms
  Average          10 ms
  Max            1921 ms

__ InnoDB Data, Pages, Rows ____________________________________________
  Reads         9.38k     0.0/s
  Writes       13.23M    10.2/s
  fsync         5.19M     4.0/s
    Reads           0
    Writes          0
    fsync           0

  Created      10.27k     0.0/s
  Read          8.79k     0.0/s
  Written       8.50M     6.5/s

  Deleted     266.44k     0.2/s
  Inserted    532.24k     0.4/s
  Read        612.95M   471.6/s
  Updated       4.00M     3.1/s

Вот и все, тема «Вывод всей статистики MySQL/MariaDB с mysqlreport » завершена.

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